My writing space. A blog, if you will, on what I learn from the school of life.
One of my favourite things as a 90s kid was to grab the remote and flip through the TV channels like a maniac. My parents hated that with passion. But my friends seem to be always in for one of those eye-watering rides.
I could never do that now, of course. Not with the TV at least. Now the wild flip has transformed into a wild scroll on my phone. But the same urgency is still there. The same conviction that l know what I want to flash in front of my eyes to stop. Or was it a childhood urge to reach the end, to move on, to change the pace without missing out? To grow up knowing we did it in the best way possible - being as busy as our parents were? And was that urge how we got to streaming, binge watching, social media, and the endless ‘I’m busy’ race we run as adults? Would we still have the conviction on our deathbeds that this was the kind of sprinting that we needed in life? Would we, at least then, make a case for slowing down? Stay inspired. Keep inspiring. Comments are closed.
MusingsWelcome to my daily writing space. I don't review courses and books here, but aim to give you short brain candy. By Month
June 2024