My writing space. A blog, if you will, on what I learn from the school of life.
I was late for my daily post. I had self-imposed that by 11.00 am each morning, my daily blog post will be ready to ship. But it was 2.00 pm, I was rattled, and my head was definitely not in the right place. That's why I write first thing in the morning – so that I can prevent the day from derailing me.
But life happened, and I had to make a choice. I would either find 30 minutes to write something in what already seemed to be a messy and very busy day or opt out. After all, who would notice?! The truth is that I would be the one to notice. My Self will. I would give up on a promise that I have made to myself. When you stop keeping your own promises, it all goes downhill from there. So I shipped. Late, but I shipped. And not only was I happy with what came out of it, but I was hungry for more. The process helped me face inward and find my peace. It helped me straighten my priorities and remind myself why I choose to do what I do. Don't give up on yourself. Show up. You will never regret choosing you. Stay inspired. Keep inspiring. Or are they all just choices?
If we make a choice, we take a step towards a certain direction. We make our wish concrete and give it the opportunity to take shape. The consequence can be good or bad, yes. But the choice is just that. A vote towards who we want to be in that moment. Choosing is often the hardest part. But choose we must. Stay inspired. Keep inspiring. The identities that we support are those we choose day after day. We are unique creatures that can choose or change how we define ourselves in a moment’s time.
The hard part comes in choosing that identity again and again after we’ve declared our choice. What choice are you making today? Stay inspired. Keep inspiring. Knowledge is widely available and easily accessible.
Knowing the date of a big historical event or when the next episode of our favourite series will air is a choice. That information is a click away. The fact that the whole knowledge of the world is so close is no excuse for not knowing how to show up in the world. We are 100% accountable for the mark that we leave behind. Stay inspired. Keep inspiring. |
MusingsWelcome to my daily writing space. I don't review courses and books here, but aim to give you short brain candy. By Month
June 2024