My writing space. A blog, if you will, on what I learn from the school of life.
Most people, when asked "What would you do differently?" are likely to come up with improvements because “it is in our nature to improve things,” shares Seth Godin in his latest book The Song of Significance.
Knowing this can make a huge difference in how we perceive others who challenge the norms and status quo. Alternatively, we can prompt them to think more in terms of improvement for all. Ask them to focus on the how, and then move to actions that can be done now, at the individual level. If they are stuck in their ways, the least that will happen is that they will stop whining about what they are not willing to change themselves. Stay inspired. Keep inspiring. AI may be transforming our world, but people are still at its core. We care to learn from the work and opinions of peers. We care about art. We want to be given a hand when the going gets tough.
Our work will transform, and we will need to show how we arrived at that final product or conclusion in more types of jobs than before. But what will make a difference is the rise of the importance of the soft skills that cater to the human at the center. Balance the knowledge of tools and shortcuts with empathy, generosity, and humility. Stay inspired. Keep inspiring. Bad people take all shapes and sizes. So do good people.
We should not fall for the idea of the person but who they truly are. The only way is by getting to know their real story. Even becoming a part of it. Stay inspired. Keep inspiring. Who decides who we will become? In theory, that's us, one action at a time.
But in fact, our life threads are being pulled and knotted by those around us more than by us. It begins with a helpful push from our parents. Next a suggestion from a teacher, and then comes kind advice from a work colleague. And on it goes. But how much in there is us? I did want to become an astronaut as a kid. And at a later point, my dream job was to be a secretary. How much of what you call your dreams come from you? Stay inspired. Keep inspiring. Sometimes we wonder what happened to the artists we used to listen to.
The answer is often online. Many of the missing from my childhood, turns out to my surprise, still create music. There are also people that cross our paths in life. On an idle Wednesday, we remember them and wonder where are they now. The answer is a phone call away. Reach out. It might make their day. It will surely make yours. Stay inspired. Keep inspiring. |
MusingsWelcome to my daily writing space. I don't review courses and books here, but aim to give you short brain candy. By Month
June 2024