My writing space. A blog, if you will, on what I learn from the school of life.
Some time ago, I wrote about the unsettling thoughts we sometimes experience at the end of the day. But the thoughts we allow at the beginning of the day have the power to influence those we will have as the day draws to a close.
It comes down to where we direct our attention first thing in the morning. Are we turning outward – to news, emails, and social media? Or inward – focusing on our breath, movement, and reflection. Realising how self-sufficient and limitless we are we can set ourselves for success no matter what the day brings. The process of building ourselves up originates from within. Stay inspired. Keep inspiring. As the day draws to a close, we are greeted with a whirlwind of emotions. The calmness of the evening, with its deliciously slow pace. And yet the urgency of the approaching new day.
We mourn the things left undone, and yet, celebrate what we have accomplished. We feel the sadness that the day is over, but also the happiness that tomorrow comes with the promise of yet another chance. The end of the day is a reminder that this moment, this day, will never happen again. It is a moment that we often take for granted, no matter its significance. We must live through each day with thirst and urgency. And hold each day accountable for its promise through our actions. Stay inspired. Keep inspiring. |
MusingsWelcome to my daily writing space. I don't review courses and books here, but aim to give you short brain candy. By Month
June 2024