My writing space. A blog, if you will, on what I learn from the school of life.
One thing that I am not actively seeking but always hoping for is connection. True, genuine human connection.
There are moments when serendipitous connections have left a deep mark. Random conversations on planes and airports are some that I can easily recall (lucky that my headphones were not glued to my ears back then). Very few come to mind from purposeful networking events. It has to do a lot with how I show up and my mental state. Networking events are to this day stressful occasions for my ambivert personality. Not to mention that I am actually working, so there is the added stress of performing to the best of my abilities. But the moments before and after, when I find myself at an airport or a plane, I am in the perfect state of mind to explore and connect without any pressure. I follow the very familiar process that the environment offers and my mind wanders a lot. Just like being in the shower. And if I meet someone with a similar wandering mind - magic happens. Events need to be novel and offer new experiences. But there need to be bits that are easy and familiar so that the mind can get into that ripe state of wonder and awe. And real connections are certain to bloom. Stay inspired. Keep inspiring. Comments are closed.
MusingsWelcome to my daily writing space. I don't review courses and books here, but aim to give you short brain candy. By Month
June 2024