My writing space. A blog, if you will, on what I learn from the school of life.
I was late for my daily post. I had self-imposed that by 11.00 am each morning, my daily blog post will be ready to ship. But it was 2.00 pm, I was rattled, and my head was definitely not in the right place. That's why I write first thing in the morning – so that I can prevent the day from derailing me.
But life happened, and I had to make a choice. I would either find 30 minutes to write something in what already seemed to be a messy and very busy day or opt out. After all, who would notice?! The truth is that I would be the one to notice. My Self will. I would give up on a promise that I have made to myself. When you stop keeping your own promises, it all goes downhill from there. So I shipped. Late, but I shipped. And not only was I happy with what came out of it, but I was hungry for more. The process helped me face inward and find my peace. It helped me straighten my priorities and remind myself why I choose to do what I do. Don't give up on yourself. Show up. You will never regret choosing you. Stay inspired. Keep inspiring. Comments are closed.
MusingsWelcome to my daily writing space. I don't review courses and books here, but aim to give you short brain candy. By Month
June 2024