My writing space. A blog, if you will, on what I learn from the school of life.
The leaders that I care a lot for are those that I am ready to follow, and even to work for and help advance their cause. Because the cause is mine as well - it is ours. As a matter of fact, it feels like it has never belonged to the person on top. One such person would be Simon Sinek and his cause to start the help others industry with a focus on positivity and service. Or Michael Bungay Stanier (MBS) who is teaching the importance of curiosity and doing work that is thrilling, important, and daunting.
Both of them already have a large following and people that trust them and their work. That is how each is building a movement. And while the work of the follower feels equally thrilling, important, and daunting on the inside (to quote MBS here), all eyes remain focused on the leader. They rise up to the sun of people’s opinions and start to cast a shadow on those holding them up. Those true leaders, as Simon or MBS, know how to raise others up and out of that pull that they naturally exude. When others want to lead, they will be the first to give them a boost of encouragement. As long as everyone shares the cause those that first took the lead know that what matters is the service to others, not how many are under their shadow. Elevating others is as important as creating a movement. Ideally, it won't be a shadow that will be cast, but a protective cape for those that follow first. Stay inspired. Keep inspiring. Comments are closed.
MusingsWelcome to my daily writing space. I don't review courses and books here, but aim to give you short brain candy. By Month
June 2024